Friday, May 8, 2009


like fuck la. 'thatS contaiNNNN alot of salt.'
like omfg. it's being aired on national TV and they dun even bother to edit, correct nor retake the shot??? sometimes i wonder if it's me being so anal bout things again or what. i mean my engrish ain't all that perfect but if i were to air an ad on national TV, won't i want it to at least sound right???? i mean, yea, ppl still get the whole idea and all, but seriously. SERIOUSLY??? urgh. it juz grosses me out la. tsk. and all this hype about speak english campaigns??? like get real. no wonder ppl say sg engrish cmi.
i read this thread on stomp about how gross singaporeans sound speakin english. some ang mor said she can never understand a singaporean even when english is used. like ok, i thought that was a rather mean thing to say, cos i think not all speak badly. it's the same when we singaporeans cannot understand certain slangs. (NOT just cheem angmor slangs ok)
but secretly i understand wad she was tryin to get at. it's kinda gross watchin certain shows on 5. like Some Silly Show Startin with S now showing on Sundays. that show is hilariouSSS, but if angmors watch it, they may not geddit at all.
so how lidat??? i oso dunno leh .

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