Sunday, December 7, 2008


i'm tired. so so tired. why issit that life brings us round n round in circles? sometimes i wonder why they call it a life line. my line seems to be spiralling, spiralling til the lasst lil bit. it straightens out, and ends. fuck the spirals. really. fuck them.
so weird how the fuckin ups and downs just come, tickle me abit, and disappear. it wasn't too long ago that i was happy, was it? why the sudden change? why the sudden confession? why why why?????????? why suddenly unsure?? why suddenly spot so many differences? why why why? why are u happier with friends? why? am i unable to make u happy? what was it bout me that made you happy earlier then? enjoy fallin in love with love itself. think i'm not the one. it's YOU! yes YOU! fuck you for taking me for granted. fuck you for bringin me up to the skies and leavin me to fall by myself. fuck you for pretending all this while. FUCK YOU! it's funny how my sixth sense actually led me to askin you. if i had never asked, we'd have pretended all the while n then what? here comes the end of the line??? it's really so unfair. painful as it was, i'm glad u spat it out. now i noe, i'm actually able to let it go slowly. beats havin to make each other happy. beats tiring myself out. i am already so tired. i dunwanna try anymore. too bad if ure unhappy. too bad if ure bored. too bad. u make ur own choices from now, and i'm not gonna accomodate anymore. u dun hafta as well. yes. u no longrr have to pretend. FUCK YOU.

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